JABARTODAY.COM – BANJARMASIN – Volunteers of the National Alliance for Prosperous Indonesia (ANIES) in South Kalimantan continue to spread the spirit of change and improvement to the public. Support from the community for Anies Baswedan continues to strengthen. They hope for changes and improvements in various aspects of life.
This was conveyed by the Chairman of the Regional Executive Board (DPW) of ANIES South Kalimantan, H. Martinus, when receiving a visit from one of the figures of change, M. Said Didu (“Merdeka Man”), at Anies’ House on A Yani Road, Km 6.5, Banjarmasin, on Wednesday (8/9). Didu’s arrival was warmly welcomed by ANIES South Kalimantan and district/city volunteers, as well as volunteers from various public and private university students in Banjarmasin.
“We have traveled around meeting the public directly, and many issues and aspirations have been entrusted to us for Mr. Anies,” said Martinus.
Martinus explained that when they met with young people in Tapin Tengah, Tapin Regency, they confessed that finding a job nowadays is becoming increasingly difficult. These high school graduates are currently unemployed while helping their parents work in the fields. Not only that, these young people are also concerned about the high number of school dropouts. One of their neighbors is even only a primary school graduate.

Similar issues were also encountered by Martinus in Pajukungan, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency. A young man is forced to do odd jobs due to dropping out of school. Although he was in his final semester, he had to stop because he could no longer afford the expensive tuition fees. “From the perspective of young people, the fact in society is clear that finding a job is difficult. On the other hand, due to mostly economic factors, many young couples also divorce, and this is what we find in the field,” he said.
In terms of agriculture, the difficulty in obtaining subsidized fertilizers is also a significant issue highlighted by the community. According to Martinus, subsidized fertilizers are a crucial element for the success of the agricultural sector. “Moreover, obtaining subsidized fuel for agricultural equipment is also challenging, not to mention the problem of the very low selling price of rubber over the past few years. The production costs of rubber farmers do not match the results obtained,” he emphasized.
Regarding the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (IKN), the community that Martinus met in Jaro Subdistrict, Tabalong Regency, which is directly adjacent to the IKN, is not interested in the project. According to them, it does not directly affect their lives. “What they hope for is not extravagant; what matters is that their economy improves, the prices of agricultural commodities can improve, and the prices of basic needs are controlled,” he added.
From these various aspirations, Martinus grasps the significant hopes of the community. They desire change and improvement and are ready to support Anies Baswedan as the 2024 President. Responding to these various aspirations, Didu, who has long been involved in the central government, explained that the state of the country is currently not favorable. This sentiment is also felt by people throughout the country.
Didu believes that these issues can be resolved when Indonesia is led by a President with the capacity and a good track record. Didu explained that if Anies Baswedan becomes president, all the needs for subsidized fertilizers for farmers can be fulfilled. He criticized the current government for reducing fertilizer subsidies for farmers and instead providing subsidies for electric motorcycles and cars.
“I’ve already calculated, the need for fertilizer subsidies for farmers is not significant; it can easily be provided if the leader prioritizes the people,” he stated.
Moreover, for the issue of unfavorable food commodity prices for farmers, the state must step in to provide a solution. According to Said Didu, the state must buy all the harvest results from farmers at a fair price. Thus, the distribution chain is not taken over by middlemen but is strictly controlled by the government. The event itself proceeded warmly. After the presentation, the event was followed by discussions and Q &A sessions. (Fahrus Zaman Fadhly)