“Pojok Baca” Initiative by UNIKU’s KKN Group Enhances Literacy Foundation in Cinyasag Village

The “Pojok Baca” project led by UNIKU’s KKN Group in Cinyasag Village has generated enthusiastic backing from students and educators alike, making a significant contribution to the advancement of literacy within the community.

JABARTODAY.COM – CIAMIS. As a staunch supporter of literacy enhancement, Group 6 of UNIKU’s Community Service Program has developed a comprehensive program aimed at strengthening the foundations of various aspects of education for elementary school children in Cinyasag Village. The program, carried out from August 4th to 8th, 2023, features the creation of reading corners and the introduction of fundamental literacy skills.

This initiative included the active participation of all elementary schools in Cinyasag: SDN 1 Cinyasag, SDN 2 Cinyasag, SDN 3 Cinyasag, and SDN 4 Cinyasag. The basic literacy introduction was succinctly encapsulated within a “Literacy Post” activity, encompassing numeracy literacy, cultural literacy, national literacy, technological literacy, and environmental literacy.

Prior to commencing the activities, all participants engaged in the “I Care for Myself” movement exercise, serving as both self-care education for the students and an implementation of anti-sexual harassment awareness at the educational level. The program then progressed to the creation of engaging reading corners within the schools, providing a unique learning experience for the students.

According to the program’s coordinator, Syahrul, “This initiative is an integral part of the ‘Cinyasag Reads’ campaign, aimed at introducing all students in the village to the importance of literacy, its various forms, and its positive impact. It’s a wonderful way to inspire and motivate the students of Cinyasag.”

The activities have received a highly positive response from each of the participating schools. Mr. Ganjar, the head of SDN 1 Cinyasag, expressed his support by stating, “We welcome the involvement of the students to impart positive values and learning motivation to our students. We greatly support education-related programs and are open to facilitating and hosting such initiatives to benefit our students.”

The “Pojok Baca” initiative by UNIKU’s KKN Group in Cinyasag Village has garnered strong enthusiasm and support from both students and educators, further contributing to the village’s literacy development. (Noval)

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