Building Bridges with Ciamis and Kuningan MSMEs: Co-Chair of W20 MSME Leadership Focuses on Funding Challenges

Farahdibha Tenrilemba, Co-Chair of W20’s MSME Leadership sector, highlights the challenges of capital constraints, product quality improvement, and enhanced marketing, emphasizing the need for financial assistance for MSMEs in Ciamis and Kuningan.

JABARTODAY.COM-KUNINGAN. The diverse range of products offered by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Ciamis and Kuningan districts require support to foster growth and prosperity among all business participants.

In an effort to aid this endeavor, Farahdibha Tenrilemba, Co-Chair of W20 in the MSME Leadership sector, identifies capital constraints as a major hurdle, in addition to the need for product quality enhancement and improved marketing. She asserts that financial support for MSMEs in Ciamis and Kuningan warrants attention.

“The challenge lies in how these MSMEs can expand their operations with financial backing,” stated the individual affectionately known as Teh Farah during her visit to Kampung Angklung in Panyingkiran village, Ciamis, on Thursday (26/10).

Farah went on to explain that if MSME products remain rudimentary, their value remains limited.

“As a result, market prices for these products plummet. So, not only is capital recovery difficult, but many end up in debt. These are the issues I have encountered when assessing various MSMEs in Ciamis and Kuningan,” mentioned the individual who is also a legislative candidate for the Nasdem Party in the West Java X Constituency.

She also proposed solutions to ensure that MSMEs can continue their operations despite inadequate capital.

“For instance, in the absence of capital, it is unwise to rely solely on one sales method; instead, consider venturing into the online market. Secondly, be open to receiving input from various sources. Teh Farah is also prepared to offer guidance to MSMEs. We collaborate with MSME mentors who are ready to provide support, regardless of whether the businesses are small or medium-sized,” she concluded.

It is important to note that Farahdibha conducted several visits to Kampung Angklung in Panyingkiran village, Ciamis, to directly observe and gather feedback from MSME artisans involved in producing Angklung musical instruments.

Previously, she also visited Ciloa village in Kuningan to observe the production of Cuing, a unique local beverage processed exclusively by residents of Ciloa village. (ruz)

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